1. Department of Industrial Chemistry, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa P.O. Box 16417, Ethiopia
2. Nanotechnology Center of Excellence, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa P.O. Box 16417, Ethiopia
3. Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Salale University, Fitche P.O. Box 245, Ethiopia
4. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Moyzesova 11, 041 54 Košice, Slovakia
5. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (AOC), Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) and Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
6. Department of Physics, College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Al-Khod P.O. Box 36, Oman
7. Department of Physiscs, University of Kaiserlautern-Landau, Erwin-Schrödinger-Strasse 46, 67663 Kaiserlautern, Germany