Two New Species of Parastenocaris (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from a Hyporheic Zone and Overview of the Present Knowledge on Stygobiotic Copepoda in Vietnam


Tran Ngoc-Son,Trinh-Dang MauORCID,Brancelj Anton


The number of freshwater species belonging to the genus Parastenocaris reported from ten countries of Southeast Asia is quite limited. Only two species have been reported so far from freshwater habitats there, compared to over 290 described species of the family Parastenocarididae worldwide. During the first study of the hyporheic zone of two small rivers in central Vietnam, two new species of the family Parastenocarididae were collected, Parastenocaris sontraensis sp. nov. and Parastencaris vugiaensis sp. nov. Both were collected from the gravel bar along the rivers (Suoi Da and Vu Gia river) using the Karaman–Chappuis method. Both the new species belong to the brevipes group of the genus Parastenocaris Kessler, 1913 sensu Lang (1948), and Reid (1995). Parastenocaris sontraensis sp. nov. is similar to P. hinumaensis Kikuchi, 1970 and Parastenocaris jane Karanovic, 2006 in the brevipes-group. Parastenocaris sontraensis sp. nov. differs from both Parastenocaris species by (i) Exp P3 with three segments in the male, (ii) caudal rami with seven setae, and (iii) caudal rami about 2.4 times as long as wide. Parastencaris vugiaensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from its congeners by the unique combination of the following characters: (i) the elliptical shape of caudal rami, (ii) apical seta (V) with bulbous base, and (iii) anal operculum extends beyond the end of anal somite. Until now, 14 stygobiotic species of Copepoda have been recorded in Vietnam (including two new species in this paper), which is relatively few compared with nearby Thailand with 25 species. Short comments on other stygobiotic Copepoda from Vietnam are added.




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Ecological Modelling,Ecology

Reference25 articles.







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