Ultrasound Landmarks in the Approach to the Common Peroneal Nerve in a Sheep Model—Application in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration


Alvites Rui1234ORCID,Lopes Bruna123ORCID,Sousa Patrícia123ORCID,Sousa Ana Catarina123ORCID,Coelho André123,Moreira Alícia123ORCID,Rêma Alexandra123ORCID,Atayde Luís123ORCID,Mendonça Carla123,Luís Ana Lúcia123ORCID,Maurício Ana Colette123ORCID


1. Departamento de Clínicas Veterinárias, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar (ICBAS), Universidade do Porto (UP), Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, No. 228, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal

2. Centro de Estudos de Ciência Animal (CECA), Instituto de Ciências, Tecnologias e Agroambiente da Universidade do Porto (ICETA), Rua D. Manuel II, Apartado 55142, 4051-401 Porto, Portugal

3. Associate Laboratory for Animal and Veterinary Science (AL4AnimalS), 1300-477 Lisboa, Portugal

4. Instituto Universitário de Ciências da Saúde (IUCS), Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário (CESPU), Avenida Central de Gandra 1317, 4585-116 Gandra, Portugal


Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) remains a medical challenge with no easy resolution. Over the last few decades, significant advances have been achieved in promoting peripheral nerve regeneration, and new assessment tools have been developed, both functional and imaging, to quantify the proportion and quality of nerve recovery. The exploration of new animal models, larger, more complex, and with more similarities to humans, has made it possible to reduce the gap between the results obtained in classic animal models, such as rodents, and the application of new therapies in humans and animals of clinical interest. Ultrasonography is an imaging technique recurrently used in clinical practice to assess the peripheral nerves, allowing for its anatomical and topographic characterization, aiding in the administration of anesthesia, and in the performance of nerve blocks. The use of this technique in animal models is scarce, but it could be a useful tool in monitoring the progression of nerve regeneration after the induction of controlled experimental lesions. In this work, sheep, a promising animal model in the area of peripheral nerve regeneration, were subjected to an ultrasonographic study of three peripheral nerves of the hind limb, the common peroneal, and tibial and sciatic nerves. The main aim was to establish values of dimensions and ultrasound appearance in healthy nerves and landmarks for their identification, as well as to perform an ultrasound evaluation of the cranial tibial muscle, an effector muscle of the common peroneal nerve, and to establish normal values for its ultrasound appearance and dimensions. The results obtained will allow the use of these data as control values in future work exploring new therapeutic options for nerve regeneration after induction of common peroneal nerve injuries in sheep.






Paleontology,Space and Planetary Science,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics








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