Alternative Fuels Substitution in Cement Industries for Improved Energy Efficiency and Sustainability


Beguedou Essossinam1ORCID,Narra Satyanarayana1ORCID,Afrakoma Armoo Ekua1,Agboka Komi2,Damgou Mani Kongnine3


1. Department of Waste and Resource Management, University of Rostock, 18059 Rostock, Germany

2. West African Service Center for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Use (WASCAL), University of Lomé, Lomé 01BP1515, Togo

3. Department of Physics, University of Lomé, Lomé 01BP1515, Togo


The conventional energy source in cement industries is fossil fuels, mainly coal, which has a high environmental footprint. On average, energy expenditures account for 40% of the overall production costs per ton of cement. Reducing both the environmental impact and economic expenditure involves incorporating alternative energy sources (fuels) such as biomass, solid-derived fuel (SDF), refuse-derived fuel (RDF) etc. However, within cement plants, the substitution of conventional fossil fuels with alternative fuels poses several challenges due to the difficulty in incorporating additional fuel-saving techniques. Typically, an additional 3000 MJ of electricity per ton of clinker is required. One of the most effective solutions to this is thermal optimization through co-processing and pre-processing, which makes it possible to implement additional fossil-fuel-saving techniques. In developing nations such as Togo, waste-management systems rely on co-processing in cement factories through a waste-to-energy relationship. Also, there are some old cement plants with low-efficiency, multi-stage preheaters without pre-calciners, reciprocating huge coolers, low-efficiency motors etc., which still operate and need to be made environmentally sustainable. However, compared to modern kilns which can have up to 95% of energy recovery from waste, an old suspension preheater kiln can recover only up to 60% of its heat energy depending on the cooler type, and due to the lack of a bypass and combustion chamber (pre-calciner). This research paper evaluated the performance of a cement plant incorporating AF and presents the procedures and recommendations to optimize AF substitution in cement plants. To achieve this, a comparative performance study was carried out by assessing the alternative fuel characteristics and the equipment performance before and after the incorporation of the alternative fuel. Data were collected on the optimum substitution ratio, pre-processing and co-processing performance, raw-meal design and economic analysis. Results indicated that the cost to be covered per ton of waste input is €10.9 for solid-derived fuel (SDF), €15 for refuse-derived fuel (RDF), and that the co-processing cost optimization for the cement plant could have a cost saving of up to 7.81€/GJ. In conclusion, it is recommended that appropriate kiln and alternative-fuel models be created for forecasting production based on various AF.




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous),Building and Construction

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