Critical Indices and Self-Similar Power Transform


Gluzman Simon


“Odd” factor approximants of the special form suggested by Gluzman and Yukalov (J. Math. Chem. 2006, 39, 47) are amenable to optimization by power transformation and can be successfully applied to critical phenomena. The approach is based on the idea that the critical index by itself should be optimized through the parameters of power transform to be calculated from the minimal sensitivity (derivative) optimization condition. The critical index is a product of the algebraic self-similar renormalization which contributes to the expressions the set of control parameters typical to the algebraic self-similar renormalization, and of the power transform which corrects them even further. The parameter of power transformation is, in a nutshell, the multiplier connecting the critical exponent and the correction-to-scaling exponent. We mostly study the minimal model of critical phenomena based on expansions with only two coefficients and critical points. The optimization appears to bring quite accurate, uniquely defined results given by simple formulas. Many important cases of critical phenomena are covered by the simple formula. For the longer series, the optimization condition possesses multiple solutions, and additional constraints should be applied. In particular, we constrain the sought solution by requiring it to be the best in prediction of the coefficients not employed in its construction. In principle, the error/measure of such prediction can be optimized by itself, with respect to the parameter of power transform. Methods of calculation based on optimized power-transformed factors are applied and results presented for critical indices of several key models of conductivity and viscosity of random media, swelling of polymers, permeability in two-dimensional channels. Several quantum mechanical problems are discussed as well.




Geometry and Topology,Logic,Mathematical Physics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis

Reference68 articles.

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