Towards Enlightenment: Taixu’s Interpretation of Buddhist Psychology


Fan Wenli12ORCID


1. School of Philosophy, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China

2. Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China


Chinese intellectuals started to engage in Buddhist psychology in the early 20th century, a time when Western culture was greatly influencing the country. Taixu criticized Western psychology and proposed his Buddhist psychology. He proposed a tripartite psychology based on Buddhist doctrine: psychology on affection (qing 情); psychology on reflection (xiang 想); and psychology on wisdom (zhi 智). Perceiving Western psychology as lacking in both theoretical depth and breadth, he specifically criticized behaviorism. He integrated the interpretation of “sense faculties” (indriya) from the Śūraṅgama Sūtra, thereby reconstructing an Ideal Behavioral Science, a philosophical system that centers on behavior and encompasses all aspects of life. This paper argues that Taixu’s critique of Western psychology and his construction of Buddhist psychology responded to the ideological trends of his era. In Taixu’s conceptual system, Buddhist psychology was part of his theory on “Buddhism for human life” (rensheng fojiao 人生佛教), serving not only to explain the psychological state of human but also to guide cultivation and lead people to enlightenment, bearing practical significance. Taixu’s study of worldly knowledge, including psychology, attempts to comprehensively construct a modern Buddhist system that integrates Buddhist Dharma and secular learning.


Youth Project of 2020 National Social Science Fund of China, “The History of the Evolution of Chinese Buddhist Knowledge System”

Major Project of 2017 National Social Science Fund of China, “Social Life History of Chinese Buddhist Monks”



Reference21 articles.

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2. Hammerstrom, Erik (2015). The Science of Chinese Buddhism: Early Twentieth-Century Engagements, Columbia University Press.

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