Satellite-Derived Topography and Morphological Evolution around Authie Macrotidal Estuary (France)


Bagot PhilippeORCID,Huybrechts NicolasORCID,Sergent Philippe


The wide spatial and temporal coverage of remotely sensing images is an essential asset to analyze the morphological behaviour of fast-changing coastal environments such as estuarine systems. This paper investigates the reliability of intertidal topography mapping around the Authie Bay, a macrotidal estuarine system located on the northern coast of France. A Satellite-Derived Topography technique is developed by relating the green band reflectance of Sentinel-2 images to rapid variations in topography. This method is well suited to small sedimentary structures of the coastal zone with a 0.30 to 0.35 m height accuracy of the constructed Digital Elevation Model (DEM). For the more complex estuarine configuration, the waterline method was applied and resulted in the construction of DEMs with a height accuracy of 0.35 to 0.38 m. Video animations and records of Authie meander positions along transects are created from Sentinel-2 and Landsat satellite archives (1984–2020). These materials allow to highlight a sedimentation phase at the east side of the spit since 2015. It constrains the main channel towards the eastern bank, thus promoting coastal erosion. The monitoring of a severe erosion phase throughout 2019 shows a 130 m retreat of the coastline. Topographic map differentiation led to the detection of a sedimentation anomaly upstream of the bay, probably linked to this erosion event.




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering

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