Insights into Alpine-Karst-Type Tufa Deposits in Geological Environmental Records: A Case Study of the Calcareous Tufa Profile of the Jiuzhaigou Natural Reserve on the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau


Lv CongcongORCID,Zhao Xueqin,Jiang Yaoxi,Zhu Heyan,Zhang Hongmin,Wang Fudong,Li Qiongfang,Hou Keli


To study the geological environmental records of alpine-karst-type tufa deposits in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, the calcareous tufa profile exposed by the “8.8” Jiuzhaigou earthquake was taken as the research object and combined with a field geological investigation. Further, the petrography, sedimentology, chronology, and elemental geochemistry of the calcareous tufa were studied and analyzed. The results show the following. (1) The Sparkling Lake calcareous tufa profile was deposited under the background of a warm and humid climate during the Holocene. The growth pattern follows a bottom-to-top deposition. (2) At 750 ± 30–300 ± 30 aB.P., the calcareous tufa layers were gray-black as a whole, and the changes in mineral composition and elemental geochemistry indicate a fluctuating upward trend for temperature and precipitation during this period. (3) The formation of two sets of black peat layers in the upper part of the tufa calcareous profile is due to the synergistic action of multiple factors caused by strong tectonic activity. In conclusion, the deposition mechanism of the calcareous tufa in Jiuzhaigou was controlled by paleoclimate hydrology and glaciation for a long time, while strong tectonic activity over a short period of time considerably changed the color, structure, element content, and mineral composition of the calcareous tufa.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration

Sichuan Province Overseas High-end Talent Introduction Project




Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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