Ontological Beliefs and Hunter–Gatherer Ritual Landscapes: Native Californian Examples


Whitley David S.1


1. Rock Art Research Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2017, South Africa


Landscapes are socially produced and reproduced spaces. This is easily recognizable for large-scale urban groups with built environments that dominate living places. But it also pertains to all types of societies and cultures, even small-scale hunter–gatherers, once the ontological beliefs structuring landscape perception and use are acknowledged. The foragers of south–central and southern California and the Great Basin illustrate this fact. They maintained a widely shared ontological perspective supported by a fundamental cognitive postulate. This is that supernatural power, the principle causative agent in the universe, was differentially distributed among individuals and places. The distribution of power, revealed by certain geomorphological features and natural events, structured their perceptions of landscape. These perceptions were expressed in ritual and symbolism, including petroglyphs and pictographs as durable manifestations of ceremonies on the landscape. The ontological relationship between power and landscape explains a longstanding question in hunter–gatherer archaeology: Why were rock writing sites created at specific locations? It also explains another equally significant but rarely considered and related problem: Why do some localities have massive quantities of rock writings that dwarf most other sites? The landscape symbolism of and the placement of sites by Native Californian and Great Basin tribes is explained by reference to their shared ontological beliefs, illustrating how they structured their ritual practices and archaeological record.




Religious studies

Reference176 articles.

1. Aginsky, Burt W. (1943). Culture Element Distributions: XXIV, Central Sierra, University of California. Anthropological Records.

2. Archaeologies of ontology;Alberti;Annual Reviews in Anthropology,2016

3. Chumash Placenames;Applegate;Journal of California Anthropology,1974

4. The Datura cult among the Chumash;Applegate;The Journal of California Anthropology,1975

5. Applegate, Richard B. (1978). Atishwin: The Dream Helper Complex in South-Central California, Ballena Press. Anthropological Papers #13.








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