Rational Use of Energy in Sports Centres to Achieve Net Zero: The SAVE Project (Part A)


Katsaprakakis Dimitris A.12ORCID,Papadakis Nikos1ORCID,Giannopoulou Efi3,Yiannakoudakis Yiannis2,Zidianakis George2,Kalogerakis Michalis4,Katzagiannakis George5,Dakanali Eirini2,Stavrakakis George M.1ORCID,Kartalidis Avraam6


1. Power Plant Synthesis Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, 71410 Heraklion, Greece

2. Aeolian Land S.A., Agias Paraskevis 1, 70300 Arkalochori, Greece

3. Minoan Energy Community, El. Venizelou 183, 70300 Arkalochori, Greece

4. Kalogerakis M. & Associates, 25th August 16, 71202 Heraklion, Greece

5. Minoa Pediadas Municipality, El. Venizelou 212, 70300 Arkalochori, Greece

6. Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute, Egialeias 52, 15125 Athens, Greece


Sports centres constitute major energy consumers. This article presents the proposed energy performance upgrade process and the achieved results for the municipal sports centre in Arkalochori, Greece. The facility consists of a swimming pool centre, an outdoor 8 × 8 football court, and two tennis and basketball courts. It operates with considerably high energy consumption due to the lack of any measure towards its energy efficiency improvement since its initial construction in 2002. Due to the significantly high heating cost, the swimming pool centre remains operative only during the summer period. The energy performance upgrade of the facility was holistically approached through all possibly applicable passive and active measures: insulation of opaque surfaces and replacement of openings, construction of a new, bioclimatic enclosure for the swimming pool’s centre and conversion of the current outdoor facility to an indoor one, installation of heat pumps for indoor space conditioning and swimming pool heating, installation of a solar–combi system for domestic hot water production, upgrade of all indoor and outdoor lighting equipment and installation of a photovoltaic plant on the new enclosure’s roof for the compensation of the remaining electricity consumption. With the proposed measures, the municipal sports centre is upgraded to a zero energy facility. The payback period of the investment was calculated at 14 years on the basis of the avoided energy procurement cost. The swimming pool’s centre operation is prolonged during the entire annual period. This work has been funded by the Horizon 2020 project with the acronym “NESOI” and was awarded the public award of the “Islands Gamechanger” competition of the NESOI project and the Clean Energy for EU Islands initiative.


European Commission




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous),Building and Construction

Reference73 articles.

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