1. Athanassiadi, Polymnia (2015). Julian: An Intellectual Biography, Routledge. First published 1992.
2. Rebenich, Stefan, and Wiemer, Hans-Ulrich (2020). A Companion to Julian the Apostate, Brill.
3. Bowersock, Glen (1978). Julian the Apostate, Harvard University Press.
4. Lardinois, André, van der Poel, Marc, and Hunink, Vincent (2006). Land of Dreams, Greek and Latin Studies in Honour of A.H.M. Kessels, Brill.
5. den Hengst, Daniël, Burgerdijk, Diederik, and van Waarden, Joop (2010). Collected Essays on the Literature of the Roman Empire, Brill.