Zhang Jingjing,Ge Kai,Xun Lina,Sun Xiaobing,Xiong Wei,Zou Mingmin,Zhong Jinqin,Li Teng
As one kind of remote sensing image (RSI), Directional Polarimetric Camera (DPC) data are of great significance in atmospheric radiation transfer and climate feedback. The availability of DPC images is often hindered by clouds, and effective cloud detection is the premise of many applications. Conventional threshold-based cloud detection methods are limited in performance and generalization capability. In this paper, we propose an effective learning-based 3D multimodal fusion cloud detection network (MFCD-Net) model. The network is a three-input stream architecture with a 3D-Unet-like encoder-decoder structure to fuse the multiple modalities of reflectance image, polarization image Q, and polarization image U in DPC imagery, with consideration of the angle and spectral information. Furthermore, cross attention is utilized in fusing the polarization features into the spatial-angle-spectral features in the reflectance image to enhance the expression of the fused features. The dataset used in this paper is obtained from the DPC cloud product and the cloud mask product. The proposed MFCD-Net achieved excellent cloud detection performance, with a recognition accuracy of 95.74%, according to the results of the experiments.
The Key Laboratory of Optical Calibration and Characterization, Chinese Academy of Sciences Open Research Foundation
General Earth and Planetary Sciences