1. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Many coat color, behavioral and morphological traits are specific and fixed across cat breeds, with several variants influencing these traits being common among different breeds. In the domestic cat, rexoid mutations have been documented in several breeds. In the Cornish Rex, four bp deletion in the LPAR6 gene has been found to cause a frame shift and a premature stop codon. In addition to the rexoid coat, Cornish Rex cats also have a characteristic head, ear shape and body type. Analysis of the selection signatures in the Cornish Rex genome revealed several regions that are under selective pressure. One of these is located in CFA B4, in the region where the ALX1 gene is located. The ALX1 gene in Burmese cats disrupts the cranial morphogenesis and causes brachycephaly in the heterozygous state. In our study, we confirmed the presence of a deletion in LPAR6 in 20 Cornish Rex and in four F1 hybrids between Cornish Rex and domestic cat. However, we did not confirm the presence of the deletion in ALX1 in Cornish Rex cats. Genome-wide selection signature analysis was performed using ROH islands and integrated haplotype score (iHS) statistics based on publicly available SNP array data of 11 Cornish Rex cats. The selection signatures were detected on chromosomes A1, A3, C2, B1, B4 and D1.
Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency ARIS