In this paper, complex q-rung orthopair uncertain linguistic sets (CQROULSs) for handling multi-attribute decision making (MADM) issues are proposed so that the assessed estimation of each trait can be presented by CQROULS. Another aggregation operator, called the partitioned Bonferroni mean (PBM) operator, is then considered to manage the circumstances under fuzziness. At that point, the PBM operator is stretched out to CQROULSs in which a complex q-rung orthopair uncertain linguistic partitioned Bonferroni mean (CQROULPBM) operator is then proposed. To wipe out the negative impact of preposterous assessment estimations of characteristics on total outcomes, complex q-rung orthopair uncertain linguistic weighted partitioned Bonferroni mean (CQROULWPBM) operator is further considered. These properties, idempotency, boundedness, and commutativity of the CQROULWPBM operator are obtained. The proposed CQROULSs with the CQROULWPBM operator is novel and important for MADM issues. Finally, an MADM based on CQROULSs is constructed with a numerical case given to delineate the proposed approach and then applied for selecting an antivirus mask for the COVID-19 pandemic. The advantages and comparative analysis with graphical interpretation of the explored operators are also presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed method.
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),General Mathematics,Chemistry (miscellaneous),Computer Science (miscellaneous)