The entry of BVDV into bovine cells was studied using CRIB cells (cells resistant to infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus [BVDV]) that have evolved from MDBK cells by a spontaneous loss of susceptibility to BVDV. Recently, larger genetic deletions were reported but no correlation of the affected genes and the resistance to BVDV infection could be established. The metalloprotease ADAM17 was reported as an essential attachment factor for the related classical swine fever virus (CSFV). To assess whether ADAM17 might be involved in the resistance of CRIB-1 cells to pestiviruses, we analyzed its expression in CRIB-1 and MDBK cells. While ADAM17 protein was detectable in MBDK cells, it was absent from CRIB-1 cells. No functional full-length ADAM17 mRNA could be detected in CRIB cells and genetic analysis revealed the presence of two defective alleles. Transcomplementation of functional ADAM17 derived from MDBK cells in CRIB-1 cells resulted in a nearly complete reversion of their resistance to pestiviral infection. Our results demonstrate that ADAM17 is a key cellular factor for the pestivirus resistance of CRIB-1 cells and establishes its essential role for a broader range of pestiviruses.
Virology,Infectious Diseases
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