Digital Maturity of Logistics Processes Assessed in the Areas of Technological Support for Performance Measurement, Employees, and Process Management


Tubis Agnieszka A.1ORCID,Koliński Adam2ORCID,Poturaj Honorata1ORCID


1. Department of Technical Systems Operation and Maintenance, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wyspianskiego Street 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland

2. Poznan School of Logistics, Centre for Logistics Education (CEL), Estkowskiego 6, 61-755 Poznan, Poland


(1) Background: Industry 4.0 and the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in an acceleration of digital transformation, primarily in production systems and logistics. This raises the need to assess where a company is in its digital transformation today and what measures must be taken to improve logistics processes. This article aims to present the results of a study assessing the digital maturity of logistics processes in a group of selected enterprises located in Poland. The research was conducted among companies that are business partners of the Poznan School of Logistics. (2) Methods: The DMM-OP digital process maturity assessment model was used in the study. Digital maturity was assessed on a five-point scale in four areas of company activity: process management, performance measurement, employee support, and technology. The research procedure included four stages. (3) Results: The results indicate that companies in the process management and performance measurement dimensions achieved the highest level of digital maturity. In commercial enterprises, the level of digital transformation is at the lowest level. Large enterprises achieved the best results, but there were also very good results in the group of small enterprises. (4) Conclusions: The results presented in the article can be used by industry and academia. The research was not statistical but can form the basis for benchmarking analyses.









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