Avocado Water Footprint for Two Municipalities in Michoacán, Mexico: A Research of the Blue and Green WF


Fuerte-Velázquez Diana J.1ORCID,Seguí-Amórtegui Luis2ORCID,Gómez-Tagle Alberto3,Guerrero-García-Rojas Hilda4ORCID


1. Postdoctoral Researcher CONAHCYT, Natural Resources Institute (INIRENA), Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia 58330, Mexico

2. Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Department, EAE Business School, Aragón, 55, 08015 Barcelona, Spain

3. Earth Science Department, Natural Resources Institute (INIRENA), Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia 58330, Mexico

4. Faculty of Economics, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia 58030, Mexico


The Water Footprint (WF) is an indicator used to determine good practices for efficiently using water in human activities. This work evaluates the green (rainfed) and blue (irrigation) water footprint of avocado cultivation in the municipalities of Acuitzio (2012–2016) and Morelia (2016–2020) in Michoacán, Mexico. Likewise, the water stress of irrigation water use is analyzed, linking the blue WF with the volumes of concessions for agricultural use. The results revealed that the mean green WF for Acuitzio is 1292.49 m3/ton, and the mean blue WF is 689.23 m3/ton. In Morelia, the mean green WF is 582.97 m3/ton, and the mean blue WF is 711.74 m3/ton. The mean production of irrigated avocado in Acuitzio is 7963.62 (ton/year), and in Morelia, 8547.76 (ton/year), which allows us to project that, in Acuitzio, the avocado crop requires an annual mean of 5,046,610.69 m3, while the mean requirement in Morelia is 6,029,920.59 m3. The average volume of water for agricultural use in Acuitzio is 3,357,782.93 m3, while the average water demand is 149.27%. This situation shows water stress in this municipality since water consumption exceeds available water resources. For Morelia, the water available for agricultural use is 11,418,745.40 m3, and the average consumption of avocado as a crop is 53.18%, which can put the supply of this resource for other agricultural crops at risk.


Scientific Research Council (CIC) of the UMSNH

Instituto de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación del estado de Michoacán

Consumo y apropiación hídrica en territorios indígenas: el caso del aguacate en la Meseta P’urhépecha

Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías










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