1. European Commission (1981). Guidelines for European Agriculture, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. COM (81) 608 Final.
2. European Commission (1985). Perspectives for the Common Agricultural Policy, Communication of the Commission to the Council and the Parliament. The Green Paper of the Commission; Green Europe News Flash 33, COM (85) 333.
3. European Commission (1988). The Future of Rural Society, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. COM (88) 501; Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 4/88.
4. European Commission (1991). Notice to Member States Laying Down Guidelines for Integral Global Grants for Which the Member States Are Invited to Submit Proposals in the Framework of a Comunity Initiative for Rural Development (91/C 73/14), Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. DOCE, no.73/33.
5. Asociación Europea de Información sobre el Desarrollo Local (AEIDL) (2000). La Financiación Local en Los Territorios Rurales, Observatorio Europeo Leader. Cuaderno nº 9.