Personalized Risk Assessment for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Integration and Implementation (PERSPECTIVE I&I)


Brooks JenniferORCID,Nabi Hermann,Andrulis IreneORCID,Antoniou Antonis,Chiquette Jocelyne,Després PhilippeORCID,Devilee PeterORCID,Dorval MichelORCID,Droit ArnaudORCID,Easton Douglas,Eisen Andrea,Eloy Laurence,Fienberg Samantha,Goldgar David,Hahnen Eric,Joly Yann,Knoppers BarthaORCID,Lofters Aisha,Masson Jean-Yves,Mittmann Nicole,Paquette Jean-SébastienORCID,Pashayan NoraORCID,Schmutzler Rita,Stockley TracyORCID,Tavtigian Sean,Walker Meghan,Wolfson Michael,Chiarelli Anna,Simard Jacques


Early detection of breast cancer through screening reduces breast cancer mortality. The benefits of screening must also be considered within the context of potential harms (e.g., false positives, overdiagnosis). Furthermore, while breast cancer risk is highly variable within the population, most screening programs use age to determine eligibility. A risk-based approach is expected to improve the benefit-harm ratio of breast cancer screening programs. The PERSPECTIVE I&I (Personalized Risk Assessment for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Integration and Implementation) project seeks to improve personalized risk assessment to allow for a cost-effective, population-based approach to risk-based screening and determine best practices for implementation in Canada. This commentary describes the four inter-related activities that comprise the PERSPECTIVE I&I project. 1: Identification and validation of novel moderate to high-risk susceptibility genes. 2: Improvement, validation, and adaptation of a risk prediction web-tool for the Canadian context. 3: Development and piloting of a socio-ethical framework to support implementation of risk-based breast cancer screening. 4: Economic analysis to optimize the implementation of risk-based screening. Risk-based screening and prevention is expected to benefit all women, empowering them to work with their healthcare provider to make informed decisions about screening and prevention.




Medicine (miscellaneous)

Reference88 articles.

1. Canadian Cancer Statistics Advisory Committee Canadian Cancer Statistics 2019

2. Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Health Technologies: Canada

3. Phase-specific and lifetime costs of cancer care in Ontario, Canada

4. Economic cost of chronic disease in Canada

5. Estimates of the lifetime costs of breast cancer treatment in Canada







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