Demand-Response Control in Smart Grids


Gharbi Atef12ORCID,Ayari Mohamed13ORCID,Yahya Abdulsamad Ebrahim1


1. Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Northern Border University, Rafha 76413, Saudi Arabia

2. LISI Laboratory, National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT), University of Carthage, Carthage 1054, Tunisia

3. SYSCOM Laboratory, National Engineering School of Tunis, University of Tunis El-Manar, Tunis 1068, Tunisia


In the smart grid, electricity price is a key element for all participants in the electric power industry. To meet the smart grid’s various goals, Demand-Response (DR) control aims to change the electricity consumption behavior of consumers based on dynamic pricing or financial benefits. DR methods are divided into centralized and distributed control based on the communication model. In centralized control, consumers communicate directly with the power company, without communicating among themselves. In distributed control, consumer interactions offer data to the power utility about overall consumption. Online auctions are distributed systems with several software agents working on behalf of human buyers and sellers. The coordination model chosen can have a substantial impact on the performance of these software agents. Based on the fair energy scheduling method, we examined Vickrey and Dutch auctions and coordination models in an electronic marketplace both analytically and empirically. The number of software agents and the number of messages exchanged between these agents were all essential indicators. For the simulation, GridSim was used, as it is an open-source software platform that includes capabilities for application composition, resource discovery information services, and interfaces for assigning applications to resources. We concluded that Dutch auctions are better than Vickrey auctions in a supply-driven world where there is an abundance of power. In terms of equity, Dutch auctions are more equitable than Vickrey auctions. This is because Dutch auctions allow all bidders to compete on an equal footing, with each bidder having the same opportunity to win the item at the lowest possible price. In contrast, Vickrey auctions can lead to outcomes that favor certain bidders over others, as bidders may submit bids that are higher than necessary to increase their chances of winning.


Deanship of Scientific Research at Northern Border Univer-sity, Arar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

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