On the Determination of Efficiency of a Gas Compressor


Millar Dean L.1


1. School of Engineering, Laurentian University of Sudbury, Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada


For a gas undergoing a compression process, it is more appropriate to think of either isentropic or polytropic efficiency as process-defining parameters indicating that a given end state of compression has been achieved, rather than a measure of effectiveness of conversion of one form of energy into another. The polytropic efficiency, as defined in ASME PTC-10 standard for compressor field trials and acceptance tests, actually involves the comparison of two distinct compression processes, neither of which are actually connected to the performance of the compressors producing them. Consequently, it is not rational to compare the ASME PTC-10 polytropic efficiency of a compressor designed to compress a gas predominantly adiabatically with that for a compressor designed to compress a gas predominantly isothermally. A framework correcting this situation is set out and is illustrated with several numerical examples. Suggestions for maintaining backward compatibility with ASME PTC-10 are also put forward.


Ultra Deep Mine Network

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation

Independent Electricity System Operator



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