Sustainability in Public Relations Campaigns: Diagnosis of the Phenomenon Using the Example of PR Industry Research in Poland


Tworzydło Dariusz1ORCID,Gawroński Sławomir2ORCID,Opolska-Bielańska Agata1,Szuba Przemysław3ORCID


1. Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, 00-310 Warsaw, Poland

2. Faculty of Media and Social Communication, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, 35-225 Rzeszów, Poland

3. Merito University in Wrocław, 53-609 Wrocław, Poland


This article is based on a study of the public relations environment in Poland and contains many references to the problems that Polish PR professionals have to deal with while performing their daily professional duties. The purpose of the article is to identify the factors that determine the frequency with which sustainable development elements are used in PR campaigns. The unit of analysis consists of the responses of 315 PR professionals who represent various organizations and provide services both to their clients and themselves, contributing to the PR structures of private and public companies. The main research technique was an online CAWI survey conducted in 2022. The main hypothesis of the article assumes that the professional experience of Polish PR professionals determines the frequency of using sustainable development elements in PR campaigns. In light of the above considerations, this article can make a valuable contribution to the discussion on the evolution of the PR specialist’s role in the context of sustainable development.



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1. Empowering public relations for sustainability: examining the landscape in Turkey;Corporate Communications: An International Journal;2024-07-18







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