Impact of Multiple Faults on the Maximum Credible Ground-Motion Parameters of Large Earthquakes at a Near-Field Site


Li Jiangyi1,Li Zhengfang1,Zhou Bengang1


1. Key Laboratory of Active Tectonics and Volcano, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China


The ground-motion simulation of regional-specific earthquake scenarios is crucial for the seismic design of key facilities. Herein, we considered parameter uncertainty in ground-motion simulations and the impact of multiple faults when determining the maximum credible ground-motion parameters of large earthquakes at a near-field dam. The source models of the Daju–Lijiang, Xiaozhongdian–Daju, and Longpan–Qiaohou faults were established based on geological and geophysical data. Although the method for identifying asperity is not yet mature and still faces many difficulties, it provides an opportunity to identify the non-uniform slip distribution on the rupture plane by earthquake scenarios. A multi-scheme stochastic finite-fault simulation method was then used to estimate the minimum; mean; maximum; and 50th-, 84th-, and 95th-percentile values of the peak ground acceleration and pseudo-spectral acceleration response spectra. The results showed that the Longpan–Qiaohou fault can generate the largest ground-motion parameters compared with the other two faults. Moreover, this result was supported by the statistical analysis of the results of twelve thousand simulations of these three faults. Thus, it can be concluded that the maximum credible ground-motion parameters are represented by the 84th-percentile pseudo-spectral acceleration response spectrum of the Longpan–Qiaohou fault. This finding will benefit the seismic safety design of the target dam. More importantly, this multi-scheme method can be applied to other key facilities to obtain reasonable ground-motion parameters.


National Key R&D Program of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China









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