«Ipse Perspicis Scilicet»: The Relation between Army and Religion in Constantinian Propaganda


Corona Encinas Álex1ORCID


1. Department of History and Legal Theory, Universidad de Valladolid, 47002 Valladolid, Spain


This study aims to explore the connection between religious and military spheres in Constantinian propaganda. The extensive use of propaganda and the notorious public discourse which involves the dynamics of power during Late Antiquity show how religion and the military played a key role. This principle reaches a singular meaning in the case of emperor Constantine I. To this extent, this paper considers several kinds of sources, which include legal, literary, and numismatic, among others. An analysis of the political uses of imperial constitutions by the emperor (especially CTh 7.20.2) can be of particular interest in order to address the ideas of self-representation and the politics of legitimation. Ultimately, the paper highlights the importance of imperial propaganda in Later Roman society, as well as the transformations in Constantine’s public discourse, where the connection between army and religion shows an evolution from the previous ways of understanding imperial power and where the bond of the ruler with a supreme divinity is a central issue.




Religious studies

Reference48 articles.

1. Alföldi, Andreas (1976). Costantino tra paganesimo e cristianesimo, Laterza.

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3. Archi, Gian Gualberto (1970). Giustiniano legislatore, Il Mulino.

4. Barbero, Alessandro (2016). Costantino il vincitore, Salerno Editrice.

5. Barnes, Timothy (1981). Constantine and Eusebius, Harvard University Press.








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