Petrogenesis of the Newly Discovered Neoproterozoic Adakitic Rock in Bure Area, Western Ethiopia Shield: Implication for the Pan-African Tectonic Evolution


Jiang Junsheng12ORCID,Xiang Wenshuai1,Hu Peng1,Li Yulin3,Wu Fafu1,Zeng Guoping1,Guo Xinran4,Zhang Zicheng5,Bai Yang6


1. Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey (Central South China Innovation Center for Geosciences), Wuhan 430205, China

2. Research Center for Petrogenesis and Mineralization of Granitoid Rocks, China Geological Survey, Wuhan 430205, China

3. Institute of Geological Survey, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China

4. The Geological Science Education Center of Guangdong, Guangzhou 510000, China

5. China National Geological & Mining Corporation, Beijing 100029, China

6. Geophysical Exploration Brigade HuBei Geological Bureau, Wuhan 430056, China


The Neoproterozoic Bure adakitic rock in the western Ethiopia shield is a newly discovered magmatic rock type. However, the physicochemical conditions during its formation, and its source characteristics are still not clear, restricting a full understanding of its petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution. In this study, in order to shed light on the physicochemical conditions during rock formation and provide further constraints on the petrogenesis of the Bure adakitic rock, we conduct electron microprobe analysis on K-feldspar, plagioclase, and biotite. Additionally, we investigate the trace elements and Hf isotopes of zircon, and the Sr-Nd isotopes of the whole rock. The results show that the K-feldspar is orthoclase (Or = 89.08~96.37), the plagioclase is oligoclase (Ab = 74.63~85.99), and the biotite is magnesio-biotite. Based on the biotite analysis results, we calculate that the pressure during rock formation was 1.75~2.81 kbar (average value of 2.09 kbar), representing a depth of approximately 6.39~10.2 km (average value of 7.60 km). The zircon thermometer yields a crystallization temperature of 659~814 °C. Most of the (Ce/Ce*)D values in the zircons plotted above the Ni-NiO oxygen buffer pair, and the calculated magmatic oxygen fugacity (logfO2) values vary from −18.5 to −4.9, revealing a relatively high magma oxygen fugacity. The uniform contents of FeO, MgO, and K2O in the biotite suggest a crustal magma source for the Bure adakitic rock. The relatively low (87Sr/86Sr)i values of 0.70088 to 0.70275, positive εNd(t) values of 3.26 to 7.28, together with the positive εHf(t) values of 7.64~12.99, suggest that the magma was sourced from a Neoproterozoic juvenile crust, with no discernable involvement of a pre-Neoproterozoic continental crust, which is coeval with early magmatic stages in the Arabian Nubian Shield elsewhere. Additionally, the mean Nd model ages demonstrate an increasing trend from the northern parts (Egypt, Sudan, Afif terrane of Arabia, and Eritrea and northern Ethiopia; 0.87 Ga) to the central parts (Western Ethiopia shield; 1.03 Ga) and southern parts (Southern Ethiopia Shield, 1.13 Ga; Kenya, 1.2 Ga) of the East African Orogen, which indicate an increasing contribution of pre-Pan-African crust towards the southern part of the East African Orogen. Based on the negative correlation between MgO and Al2O3 in the biotite, together with the Lu/Hf-Y and Yb-Y results of the zircon, we infer that the Bure adakitic rock was formed in an arc–arc collision orogenic environment. Combining this inference with the whole rock geochemistry and U-Pb age of the Bure adakitic rock, we further propose that the rock is the product of thickened juvenile crust melting triggered by the Neoproterozoic Pan-African Orogeny.


Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Open Fund of the Research Center for Petrogenesis and Mineralization of Granitoid Rocks, China Geological Survey

China Geological Survey









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