The Caudofoveata (Mollusca) Spicule as a Biomineralization Model: Unique Features Revealed by Combined Microscopy Methods


Wendt Camila1,Rossi André L.2ORCID,Cypriano Jefferson3ORCID,Dilnei de Castro Oliveira Cleo4,Arrouvel Corinne5,Werckmann Jacques2ORCID,Farina Marcos1


1. Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-590, Brazil

2. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro 22290-180, Brazil

3. Instituto de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-590, Brazil

4. Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21941-590, Brazil

5. Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia para a Sustentabilidade, Departamento de Física, Química e Matemática, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Paulo 13565-905, Brazil


Caudofoveates are benthic organisms that reside in the deep waters of continental slopes in the world. They are considered to be a group that is of phylogenetic and ecological importance for the phylum Mollusca. However, they remain poorly studied. In this work, we revealed the structure of the spicules of Caudofoveatan mollusks Falcidens sp. The spicules presented a hierarchical organization pattern across different length scales. Various imaging and analytical methods related to light and electron microscopy were employed to characterize the samples. The primary imaging methods utilized included: low voltage field emission scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM), focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and electron diffraction. In addition, we performed a physicochemical analysis by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). A crucial factor for successfully obtaining the results was the preparation of lamellae from the spicules without damaging the original structures, achieved using FIB-SEM. This allowed us to obtain diffraction patterns of significant areas of well-preserved sections (lamellae) of the spicules in specific directions and demonstrate for the first time that the bulk of these structures is organized as a single crystal of calcium carbonate aragonite. On the other hand, AFM imaging of the spicules’ dorsal surface revealed a wavy appearance, composed of myriads of small, pointed crystallites oriented along the spicules’ longer axis (i.e., the c-axis of the aragonite). The organization pattern of these small crystallites, the possible presence of twins, the relationship between confinement conditions and accessory ions in the preference for mineral polymorphs, and the single crystalline appearance of the entire spicule, along with the observation of growth lines, provide support for further studies employing Caudofoveata spicules as a model for biomineralization studies.








Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology







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