1. UNESCO 2019—Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Conventionhttp://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines/
2. ICOMOS 2003—Principles for the Analysis, Conservation and Structural Restoration of Architectural Heritagehttps://www.icomos.org/images/DOCUMENTS/Charters/structures_e.pdf
3. ICOMOS 2003—Principles for the Preservation and Conservation-Restoration of Wall Paintingshttps://www.icomos.org/images/DOCUMENTS/Charters/wallpaintings_e.pdf
4. Directive of the Prime Minister. Guidelines for the Assessment and the Mitigation of Seismic Risk of Cultural Heritage with Reference to Italian NTC2008,2011
5. Integration of TLS Data and Non-metric Imagery to Improve Photo Models and Recording - A Case Study on Djin Block No. 9, Petra (Jordan)