Additive manufacturing processes induce a high orientation in the microstructure of the printed part due to the strong thermal gradients developed during the process caused by the highly concentrated heat source that is used to melt the metal powder layer-by-layer. The resulting microstructural anisotropy may have an effect on the post-processing operations such as machining ones. This paper investigates the influence of the anisotropy in turning operations carried out on laser powder bed fused Ti6Al4V parts manufactured with different scanning strategies. The machinability under both transverse and cylindrical turning operations was assessed in terms of surface integrity, considering both surface and sub-surface aspects. The effect of the different cooling conditions, that is flood and cryogenic ones, was studied as well. The outcomes showed that the microstructural anisotropy had a remarkable effect on the machining operations and that the cryogenic cooling enhanced the effect of the anisotropy in determining the surface integrity.
General Materials Science
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11 articles.