Hearing Loss in Stickler Syndrome: An Update


Acke Frederic R. E.ORCID,De Leenheer Els M. R.


Stickler syndrome is a connective tissue disorder characterized by ocular, skeletal, orofacial and auditory manifestations. Its main symptoms are high myopia, retinal detachment, joint hypermobility, early osteoarthritis, cleft palate, midfacial hypoplasia, micrognathia and hearing loss. Large phenotypical variability is apparent and partly explained by the underlying genetic heterogeneity, including collagen genes (COL2A1, COL11A1, COL11A2, COL9A1, COL9A2, COL9A3) and non-collagen genes (BMP4, LRP2, LOXL3). The most frequent type of Stickler syndrome (COL2A1) is characterized by a rather mild high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss in about half of the patients. COL11A1- and COL11A2-related Stickler syndrome results in more frequent hearing loss, being moderate and involving all frequencies. Hearing loss in the rarer types of Stickler syndrome depends on the gene expression in the cochlea, with moderate to severe downsloping hearing loss for Stickler syndrome caused by biallelic type IX collagen gene mutations and none or mild hearing loss for the non-collagen genes. Inherent to the orofacial manifestations, middle ear problems and temporary conductive hearing loss, especially at young age, are also prevalent. Consequently, hearing loss should be actively sought for and adequately treated in Stickler syndrome patients given its high prevalence and the concomitant visual impairment in most patients.




Genetics (clinical),Genetics

Reference48 articles.

1. Hereditary Progressive Arthro-Ophthalmopathy;Stickler;Mayo Clin. Proc.,1965

2. Hereditary Progressive Arthro-Ophthalmopathy. II. Additional Observations on Vertebral Abnormalities a Hearing Defect and a Report of a Similar Case;Stickler;Mayo Clin. Proc.,1967

3. Hearing impairment in Stickler syndrome: a systematic review

4. Auditory Dysfunction in Stickler Syndrome

5. Stop codon in the procollagen II gene (COL2A1) in a family with the Stickler syndrome (arthro-ophthalmopathy).








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