Genes Controlled by DNA Methylation Are Involved in Wilms Tumor Progression


Guerra João Victor da Silva,Pereira Bruna Maria de Sá,Cruz Jéssica Gonçalves Vieira da,Scherer Nicole de MirandaORCID,Furtado Carolina,Montalvão de Azevedo Rafaela,Oliveira Paulo Sergio Lopes de,Faria Paulo,Boroni MarianaORCID,de Camargo Beatriz,Maschietto MarianaORCID


To identify underlying mechanisms involved with metastasis formation in Wilms tumors (WTs), we performed comprehensive DNA methylation and gene expression analyses of matched normal kidney (NK), WT blastemal component, and metastatic tissues (MT) from patients treated under SIOP 2001 protocol. A linear Bayesian framework model identified 497 differentially methylated positions (DMPs) between groups that discriminated NK from WT, but MT samples were divided in two groups. Accordingly, methylation variance grouped NK and three MT samples tightly together and all WT with four MT samples that showed high variability. WT were hypomethylated compared to NK, and MT had a hypermethylated pattern compared to both groups. The methylation patterns were in agreement with methylases and demethylases expression. Methylation data pointed to the existence of two groups of metastases. While hierarchical clustering analysis based on the expression of all 2569 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) discriminated WT and MT from all NK samples, the hierarchical clustering based on the expression of 44 genes with a differentially methylated region (DMR) located in their promoter region revealed two groups: one containing all NKs and three MTs and one containing all WT and four MTs. Methylation changes might be controlling expression of genes associated with WT progression. The 44 genes are candidates to be further explored as a signature for metastasis formation in WT.


SwissBridge Foundation




General Medicine







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