The first two models of the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometers (SLSTR) for the European Copernicus Sentinel-3 missions were tested prior to launch at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory space instrument calibration facility. The pre-launch tests provide an essential reference that ensures that the flight data of SLSTR are calibrated to the same standards needed for surface temperature measurements and to those used by shipborne radiometers for Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM). The radiometric calibrations of the thermal infrared channels were validated against accurate and traceable reference BB sources under flight representative thermal vacuum environment. Measurements were performed in both earth views for source temperatures covering the main operating range, for different instrument configurations and for the full field-of-view of the instruments. The data were used to derive non-linearity curves to be used in the level-1 processing. All results showed that the measured brightness temperatures and radiometric noise agreed within the requirements for the mission. An inconsistency that particularly affected SLSTR-A was observed which has been attributed to an internal stray light error. A correction for the stray light has been proposed to reduce the error. The internal stray light error was reduced for SLSTR-B by replacing the coating on the main aperture stop. We present a description of the test methodology and the key results.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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15 articles.