Use of Hydroacoustic Methods to Assess Ecological Status Based on Fish: A Case Study of Lake Dejguny (Poland)


Hutorowicz Andrzej1ORCID


1. Hydroacoustic Laboratory, National Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Oczapowskiego 10, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland


The idea of the article was to verify the thesis that acoustic studies of ichthyofauna in lakes provide sufficient information to determine the necessity (or lack thereof) of carrying out a full procedure for assessing the ecological status based on fish. The manuscript compares acoustic data collected in 2008 and 2021 in Lake Dejguny (Poland) as a result of acquisition carried out with the same EY-500 echosounder, on the same routes (transects), and the echogram analyses were carried out using software dedicated to this echosounder. Target strength (TS) distribution was determined in the lake and in individual water layers with a thickness of 2 m, as well as, using the mapping method, changes in the distribution of fish in selected water layers. Large changes in TS distribution in the vertical profile were demonstrated between both years of the study, as well as a clear reduction in the space available for fish in waters below 24 m in 2021, which was associated with a reduction in the concentration of dissolved oxygen below this depth to a value lower than 2.5 mg L−1. It was suggested that it could be possible to develop a simple index enabling the assessment of changes in fish structure, based, similarly to the Large Fish Index, on the ratio of the number of large fish to small fish. The obtained results confirmed that the proposed methods of acoustic data analysis can be the basis for the decision on the necessity (or lack thereof) of conducting an assessment using the Polish national LFI-EN method based on the results of one-off fishing with Nordic multimesh gillnets.


the National Inland Fisheries Research Institute in Olsztyn as part of statutory research activity



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