Intracellular “In Silico Microscopes”—Comprehensive 3D Spatio-Temporal Virus Replication Model Simulations


Knodel Markus M.1ORCID,Nägel Arne2ORCID,Herrmann Eva3ORCID,Wittum Gabriel4


1. Simulation in Technology, TechSim, 75248 Ölbronn-Dürrn, Germany

2. Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing (MSQC), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

3. Institute for Biostatistics und Mathematical Modelling (IBMM), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 60590 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

4. Modelling and Simulation (MaS), Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia


Despite their small and simple structure compared with their hosts, virus particles can cause severe harm and even mortality in highly evolved species such as humans. A comprehensive quantitative biophysical understanding of intracellular virus replication mechanisms could aid in preparing for future virus pandemics. By elucidating the relationship between the form and function of intracellular structures from the host cell and viral components, it is possible to identify possible targets for direct antiviral agents and potent vaccines. Biophysical investigations into the spatio-temporal dynamics of intracellular virus replication have thus far been limited. This study introduces a framework to enable simulations of these dynamics using partial differential equation (PDE) models, which are evaluated using advanced numerical mathematical methods on leading supercomputers. In particular, this study presents a model of the replication cycle of a specific RNA virus, the hepatitis C virus. The diffusion–reaction model mimics the interplay of the major components of the viral replication cycle, including non structural viral proteins, viral genomic RNA, and a generic host factor. Technically, surface partial differential equations (sufPDEs) are coupled on the 3D embedded 2D endoplasmic reticulum manifold with partial differential equations (PDEs) in the 3D membranous web and cytosol volume. The membranous web serves as a viral replication factory and is formed on the endoplasmic reticulum after infection and in the presence of nonstructural proteins. The coupled sufPDE/PDE model was evaluated using realistic cell geometries based on experimental data. The simulations incorporate the effects of non structural viral proteins, which are restricted to the endoplasmic reticulum surface, with effects appearing in the volume, such as host factor supply from the cytosol and membranous web dynamics. Because the spatial diffusion properties of genomic viral RNA are not yet fully understood, the model allows for viral RNA movement on the endoplasmic reticulum as well as within the cytosol. Visualizing the simulated intracellular viral replication dynamics provides insights similar to those obtained by microscopy, complementing data from in vitro/in vivo viral replication experiments. The output data demonstrate quantitative consistence with the experimental findings, prompting further advanced experimental studies to validate the model and refine our quantitative biophysical understanding.



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