The standard surgical approach for the fusion of the tarsometatarsal (TMT) joint involves a two-incision approach. Philpott et al. proposed a modified, single-incision dorsal approach that yields a similar exposure. This study compares the joint preparation between the standard and modified dorsal approach. Ten fresh frozen cadaver specimens were randomly assigned to receive either a standard or modified dorsal operative approach to the TMT joint. The joint surface was prepared, and the joint was disarticulated. Image analysis, using ImageJ, was performed by two blinded reviewers to assess the joint surface preparation and this was compared by surgical approach. There was no significant difference in the amount of joint prepared when comparing the standard versus modified dorsal approach for TMT joints one through three (p = 0.548, p = 0.310, p = 0.548). First, TMT was 67.6% prepared by the standard approach vs 71.7% by the modified dorsal approach, second TMT was 67.9% vs. 65.7%, and third TMT was 65.9% vs. 59.6%. With our findings, we demonstrate that a modified dorsal approach with a single incision did not limit the ability to prepare the joint space. This study adds credibility backed by data to those set forth by Philipott et al.