Cyberlindnera fabianii, an Uncommon Yeast Responsible for Gluten Bread Spoilage


Colautti Andrea1ORCID,Orecchia Elisabetta1ORCID,Coppola Francesca2ORCID,Iacumin Lucilla1ORCID,Comi Giuseppe1


1. Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Animal Science, University of Udine, Via Sondrio 2/a, 33100 Udine, Italy

2. Food Sciences Institute, National Research Council, Via Roma, 64, 83100 Avellino, Italy


A single strain of yeast was isolated from industrial gluten bread (GB) purchased from a local supermarket. This strain is responsible for spoilage consisting of white powdery and filamentous colonies due to the fragmentation of hyphae into short lengths (dust-type spots), similar to the spoilage produced by chalk yeasts such as Hyphopichia burtonii, Wickerhamomyces anomalus and Saccharomycopsis fibuligera. The isolated strains were identified initially by traditional methods as Wickerhamomyces anomalus, but with genomic analysis, they were definitively identified as Cyberlindnera fabianii, a rare ascomycetous opportunistic yeast species with low virulence attributes, uncommonly implicated in bread spoilage. However, these results demonstrate that this strain is phenotypically similar to Wi. anomalus. Cy. fabianii grew in GB because of its physicochemical characteristics which included pH 5.34, Aw 0.97 and a moisture of about 50.36. This spoilage was also confirmed by the presence of various compounds typical of yeasts, derived from sugar fermentation and amino acid degradation. These compounds included alcohols (ethanol, 1-propanol, isobutyl alcohol, isoamyl alcohol and n-amyl alcohol), organic acids (acetic and pentanoic acids) and esters (Ethylacetate, n-propil acetate, Ethylbutirrate, Isoamylacetate and Ethylpentanoate), identified in higher concentrations in the spoiled samples than in the unspoiled samples. The concentration of acetic acid was lower only in the spoiled samples, but this effect may be due to the consumption of this compound to produce acetate esters, which predominate in the spoiled samples.



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