Tetrodotoxin Decreases the Contractility of Mesenteric Arteries, Revealing the Contribution of Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels in Vascular Tone Regulation


Park Joohee1ORCID,Proux Coralyne1,Ehanno William1,Réthoré Léa1ORCID,Vessières Emilie1,Bourreau Jennifer1,Favre Julie12ORCID,Kauffenstein Gilles13ORCID,Mattei César1ORCID,Tricoire-Leignel Hélène1ORCID,Henrion Daniel1ORCID,Legendre Claire1ORCID,Legros Christian1ORCID


1. INSERM, CNRS, MITOVASC, Equipe CarME, SFR ICAT, University Angers, 49000 Angers, France

2. UMR INSERM 1121, CRBS, Strasbourg University, 67000 Strasbourg, France

3. UMR INSERM 1260, CRBS, Strasbourg University, 67084 Strasbourg, France


Tetrodotoxin (TTX) poisoning through the consumption of contaminated fish leads to lethal symptoms, including severe hypotension. This TTX-induced hypotension is likely due to the downfall of peripheral arterial resistance through direct or indirect effects on adrenergic signaling. TTX is a high-affinity blocker of voltage-gated Na+ (NaV) channels. In arteries, NaV channels are expressed in sympathetic nerve endings, both in the intima and media. In this present work, we aimed to decipher the role of NaV channels in vascular tone using TTX. We first characterized the expression of NaV channels in the aorta, a model of conduction arteries, and in mesenteric arteries (MA), a model of resistance arteries, in C57Bl/6J mice, by Western blot, immunochemistry, and absolute RT-qPCR. Our data showed that these channels are expressed in both endothelium and media of aorta and MA, in which scn2a and scn1b were the most abundant transcripts, suggesting that murine vascular NaV channels consist of NaV1.2 channel subtype with NaVβ1 auxiliary subunit. Using myography, we showed that TTX (1 µM) induced complete vasorelaxation in MA in the presence of veratridine and cocktails of antagonists (prazosin and atropine with or without suramin) that suppressed the effects of neurotransmitter release. In addition, TTX (1 µM) strongly potentiated the flow-mediated dilation response of isolated MA. Altogether, our data showed that TTX blocks NaV channels in resistance arteries and consecutively decreases vascular tone. This could explain the drop in total peripheral resistance observed during mammal tetrodotoxications.


“Region Pays de la Loire, Paris scientifique 2017, SODIVASC”




Drug Discovery,Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous),Pharmaceutical Science








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