Diet and Plastic Ingestion in the Blackmouth Catshark Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque 1810, in Italian Waters


Zicarelli Giorgia1,Romano Chiara2,Gallo Samira2,Valentino Carmen2,Pepe Bellomo Victor2,Leonetti Francesco Luigi2ORCID,Giglio Gianni2,Neri Alessandra34ORCID,Marsili Letizia4ORCID,Milazzo Concetta2,Faggio Caterina1ORCID,Mancusi Cecilia45,Sperone Emilio2ORCID


1. Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina, 98166 Messina, Italy

2. Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, 87036 Rende, Italy

3. Consorzio per il Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia Marina ed Ecologia Applicata “G. Bacci” (CIBM), Viale N. Sauro 4, 57128 Livorno, Italy

4. Department of Environment, Earth and Physical Sciences, Siena University, Via Mattioli 4, 53100 Siena, Italy

5. Environmental Protection Agency of the Tuscany Region (ARPAT), Via Marradi 114, 57126 Livorno, Italy


Galeus melastomus is the most common Pentanchidae in the Mediterranean Sea. A scavenger and opportunistic feeder, and despite the wide distribution, little is known about its feeding habits in Italian waters. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the diet of the blackmouth catshark by analysing the stomach contents. The specimens analysed were obtained from five populations of the Tyrrhenian and of the Ionian Seas, collected from a depth between 40 and 700 m. A total of 259 stomachs were analysed. The stomach contents were grouped into macro-categories and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Crustaceans such as Parapenaeus longirostris, the Cephalopods Heteroteuthis dispar and Onychoteuthis banksii, and Osteichthyes, mostly Myctophidae, were identified. Plastic debris was also found among the stomach contents and classified according to its colour and shape. Osteichthyes represent the most abundant item (44%), above all the Myctophidae family, except for the catshark population from Tuscany, in which the most frequent species were Cephalopods, such as Abralia veranyi and Heteroteuthis dispar. Differences in the plastic debris contents were also observed between the Tuscany population and other populations. These could be explained as a probable consequence of the different depths at which the blackmouth catshark populations were sampled.






General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

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