Environmental Compatibility of the Parc Tramuntana Offshore Wind Project in Relation to Marine Ecosystems


Diez-Caballero Koldo,Troiteiro Silvia,García-Alba Javier,Vidal Juan Ramón,González Marta,Ametller SergiORCID,Juan Raquel


Parc Tramuntana is the first offshore wind project being promoted in the Catalonian waters, and due to this newness, it has generated a strong social debate surrounding expected environmental and socioeconomic impacts traditionally associated to marine wind farms, as there are no relevant references in this area. The objective of this report is to provide a specific analysis of some of the main potential impacts, based on detailed information and quantitative data, in order to place these impacts in a realistic context and determine their actual magnitude. This analysis is fed by diverse and detailed studies carried out over the last two years to assess the environmental impact of the project, in accordance with current regulations. According to environmental impact assessment, which is based on a standardized methodology, the impact of the project is objectively qualified as MODERATE on vectors such as turbidity and sedimentation, underwater noise, hydrodynamic circulation or the alteration of electromagnetic fields, and NOT SIGNIFICANT on aspects such as the proliferation of invasive exotic species. As this is an ongoing assessment process, this report presents initial conclusions that do not yet address all possible impacts. Nevertheless, the authors stress the importance of framing the debate on offshore wind in Catalonia in the context of the urgency of the climate emergency and its inevitable impacts on the natural environment.




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering

Reference44 articles.

1. Acord de Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de 14 de Maig de 2019, de Aprovació de la Declaració de Emergència Climàtica a Catalunya https://govern.cat/govern/docs/2019/05/14/15/12/9ff53be9-20cc-4ce1-9c7c-cdd5dc762187.pdf

2. Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros el 21 de Enero de 2020 Por el que se Aprueba la Declaración del Gobierno Ante la Emergencia Climática y Ambiental https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/prensa/declaracionemergenciaclimatica_tcm30-506551.pdf

3. European Parliament Resolution of 28 November 2019 on the Climate and Environment Emergency (2019/2930(RSP)) https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2019-0078_EN.pdf

4. Llei de Transició Energètica de Catalunya i Transformació de l’Institut Català d’Energia at l’Agència d’Energia de Catalunya http://icaen.gencat.cat/ca/participacio/llei-de-transicio-energetica-de-catalunya-i-transformacio-de-linstitut-catala-denergia-en-lagencia-denergia-de-catalunya/

5. Prospectiva Energètica de Catalunya 2050 (PROENCAT 2050). Documento Resumen Presentado el 4 de Febrero de 2022 http://icaen.gencat.cat/es/l_icaen/prospectiva_planificacio/

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