Transdermal optical wireless (TOW) communication links have recently gained particular research and commercial attention as a viable alternative for establishing high speed and effective implantable data transmissions, which is vital for a variety of neuroprosthetic and other medical applications. However, the development of this optical telemetry modality with medical implanted devices (IMDs) is adversely affected by skin-induced photon absorption, scattering and pointing errors effects. Thus, in this work a minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion is proposed for the estimation of the optical signal intensity in a typical TOW link of varying path loss and misalignment-induced fading characteristics. In this context, the stochastic nature of the transmitter–receiver misalignment has been considered and jointly modeled with transdermal path loss. Additionally, the link is assumed to employ the suitable On–Off Keying (OOK) with intensity modulation and direct detection scheme as well as a PIN photodiode at the receiver side for signal detection. Under these assumptions the results demonstrate that the stochastic amount of pointing mismatch strongly affects the received irradiance estimation.
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