General Treatment and Ophthalmic Management of Peters’ Anomaly


Wowra Bogumil1,Dobrowolski Dariusz12ORCID,Parekh Mohit3ORCID,Wylęgała Edward1ORCID


1. Chair and Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Zabrze Medical University of Silesia, 40-760 Katowice, Poland

2. Department of Ophthalmology, Saint Barbara Hospital, Trauma Center, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland

3. Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London, London EC1V 9EL, UK


Peters’ anomaly (PA) is a manifestation of complex disorders in the development of the anterior segment of the eye. The most recognizable feature of the disease is a doughnut-shaped central corneal opacity and adhesions between the opacity and underlying iris. Glaucoma is observed in 30–70% of patients, with up to 50% of the patients showing concomitant vision-threatening disorders. Up to 60% of patients have systemic abnormalities or developmental delays. Being a rare malformation, PA is one of the most common congenital indications for corneal transplantation in infants. Penetrating keratoplasty is used as the primary method of treatment in cases with corneal opacification of a degree that forbids visual development in both eyes. The heterogeneity of co-occurring ophthalmic and systemic malformations in the spectrum of PA determines the wide range of success, defined by various endpoints: graft clarity or visual acuity. Although surgical advancement has made corneal grafting possible in younger children, it has a higher graft failure rate and worse visual prognosis than adult keratoplasty. Optical sector iridectomy, pupil dilation, or cornea rotation can alternatively be performed. Satisfying results of pediatric keratoprosthesis in particular cases of PA have been described. Postoperative treatment of PA aims to maintain a clear optical pathway and prevent amblyopia. This article therefore aims at reporting the ophthalmic treatment and need for multidisciplinary management of PA, including pharmacological and surgical treatment.









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