Investigating Seismic Events along the Eurasian Plate between Greece and Turkey: 10 Years of Seismological Analysis and Implications


Moshou Alexandra1ORCID


1. Department of Electronic Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, 3 Romanou Str., Chalepa, 73133 Chania, Crete, Greece


The North Aegean Sea region in Greece is located at the convergence of the Eurasian, African, and Anatolian tectonic plates. The region experiences frequent seismicity ranging from moderate to large-magnitude earthquakes. Tectonic interactions and seismic events in this area have far-reaching implications for understanding the broader geological processes in the eastern Mediterranean region. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the seismic activity of the North Aegean Sea region by employing advanced seismological techniques and data analyses. Data from onshore seismological networks were collected and analyzed to assess the characteristics of the earthquakes in the region. Seismicity patterns, focal mechanisms, and seismic moment calculations were performed to assess current seismic activity. The present study combined spatiotemporal analysis with the analysis of genesis mechanisms, and this resulted in more results than those of previous studies. Detailed analysis of the seismic data showed patterns in the occurrence of earthquakes over time, with periodic episodes of increased seismic activity compared to activities followed by quieter periods. Finally, this study proves that recent earthquakes in the study area (2017, 2020) highlight the complexity of seismicity as well as the consequences of strong earthquakes on people and buildings. Overall, these findings suggest that the North Aegean Sea is becoming increasingly seismically active and is a potential risk zone for adjacent regions.



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