This research presents a new solution to use bottle glass wastes together with aluminum hydroxide for porous alumina glass ceramics synthesis. The firing of the samples was conducted at three temperatures: 800, 1000 and 1200 °C. The effect of the bottle waste glass addition on the firing shrinkage, apparent density porosity, chemical stability and compression strength of the sintered samples was investigated. The dimensional stability of the samples, varying between 4.75–11.87% is positively affected by waste glass/alumina substitution ratio. Higher amounts of glass waste lead to higher apparent densities, up to 1.80 g/cm3 and lower apparent porosities, around 33.74%, depending on the heat treatment temperature. All the studied glass ceramics have very good chemical stability that increase with the glass waste/alumina ratio. The compression strength of the obtained samples, ranging between 4.72–24.20 N/mm2 is negatively affected by increasing the glass waste amount due to its brittle behavior. The obtained results suggest the viability of the proposed recycling alternative for bottle glass waste together with aluminum hydroxide as porous alumina glass ceramics.