Trading Marble for Steel: Early Roman Import of Carrara Marble into the Alps—The Example of the Magdalensberg Trading Post in Noricum


Prochaska Walter1


1. Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Franz Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Vienna, Austria


The annexation of the Noricum Kingdom by the Roman Empire in 16 BC brought an increase in the trading relations between the empire and its northern neighbours. A first hub for these relations was the emporium on the Magdalensberg in Noricum Mediterraneum (today southern Carinthia/Austria). During the last decades, archaeological investigations of this settlement in a remote mountainous area revealed, inter alia, different kinds of marble decoration and architecture. Provenance analyses using a combination of different methods, including isotope analysis, trace element analysis and the analysis of inclusion fluids, show that the marbles used on the Magdalensberg are of different origins. Widely used were medium- to coarse-grained Alpine marbles from Roman quarries of the region of Gummern. Prominently used for plates, tiles, profiles, etc. were several types of fine-grained marbles of different origins. One group definitely originated from the quarries of Carrara (Carrara white and Carrara Bardiglio), testifying to the trading relations with northern Italy after the integration of Noricum into the Roman Empire. A database for the Carrara Bardiglio marble is presented and discussed. For the use of these data by further investigators, the numerical data are given as online material.




Geology,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology

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