1. Coordinator of Studies Public Safety School of the Cádiz City Council, 11010 Cadiz, Spain
2. Dean Official College of Industrial Technical Experts and Engineers of Cadiz, 11010 Cadiz, Spain
3. Research Group TEP 955 “Engineering and Technology for Occupational Risk Prevention, Higher School of Engineering, University of Cádiz, 11010 Cadiz, Spain
4. Department of Industrial Design, Coventry University, Priory St, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK
5. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, IVAGRO, CeiA3, University of Cadiz, P.O. Box 40, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain
6. Associate Professor at the School for the Prevention of Violence, Perez Galdos, nº 10, 11100 San Fernando, Cadiz, Spain
7. Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, INBIO, University of Cadiz, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain