Satellite communication is a promising transmission technique to implement 5G and beyond networks. Attenuation due to rain begins at a frequency of 10 GHz in temperate regions. However, some research indicates that such attenuation effects start from 5–7 GHz, especially in tropical regions. Therefore, modeling rain attenuation is significant for propagating electromagnetic waves to achieve the required quality of service. In this survey, different slant link rain attenuation prediction models have been examined, classified, and analyzed, and various features like improvements, drawbacks, and particular aspects of these models have been tabulated. This survey provides various techniques for obtaining input data sets, including rain height, efficient trajectory length measurement techniques, and rainfall rate conversion procedures. No survey of the Earth–space link models for rain attenuation is available to the best of our knowledge. In this study, 23 rain attenuation models have been investigated. For easy readability and conciseness, the details of each model have not been included. The comparative analysis will assist in propagation modeling and planning the link budget of slant links.
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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12 articles.