Evaluation of Lean Manufacturing Tools and Digital Technologies Effectiveness for Increasing Labour Productivity in Construction


Kulakov Kirill Y.1,Orlov Alexandr K.1,Kankhva Vadim S.1ORCID


1. Institute of Economics, Management and Communications in Construction and Real Estate, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoe Shosse, 26, 129337 Moscow, Russia


Multiple studies are devoted to problems of construction labour productivity and methods of increasing it. These studies contain systematized factors and the main measures that can be applied to influence them. However, the issues of reducingdowntime in design and construction by integrating Lean manufacturing tools and innovative digital technologies to increase construction labour productivity have not yet been actively studied. This paper examines the quantitative assessment of the impact of tools for Lean construction and the digitalization of business processes on labour productivity when implementing investment projects in development and changes in the effectiveness of projects. The conducted study contains an extensive review of the literature, identifies time losses as an important labour productivity factor, proposes a practical approach to the implementation of Lean 4.0 technology in the activities of a development company, and provides practical calculations of labour productivity for the existing project. Expert and calculated evidence of the positive impact of Lean 4.0 on labour productivity and performance parameters of construction projects are presented here. The effects of the introduction of tools and principles of Lean-digital technologies for construction project participants, as well as recommendations for the implementation of the proposed approach in construction practice, are discussed.


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering




Information Systems and Management,Computer Networks and Communications,Modeling and Simulation,Control and Systems Engineering,Software

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