Sequential Behavior of Broiler Chickens in Enriched Environments under Varying Thermal Conditions Using the Generalized Sequential Pattern Algorithm: A Proof of Concept


Massari Juliana Maria1,Moura Daniella Jorge de1ORCID,Nääs Irenilza de Alencar2ORCID,Pereira Danilo Florentino3ORCID,Oliveira Stanley Robson de Medeiros14ORCID,Branco Tatiane5,Barros Juliana de Souza Granja1


1. School of Agricultural Engineering, State University of Campinas, 501 Candido Rondon Avenue, Campinas 13083-875, SP, Brazil

2. Graduate Program in Production Engineering, Paulista University, R. Dr. Bacelar 1212, São Paulo 04026-002, SP, Brazil

3. School of Sciences and Engineering, Department of Management, Development and Technology, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-496, SP, Brazil

4. Embrapa Digital Agriculture, State University of Campinas, 209 Andre Tosello, Campinas 13083-886, SP, Brazil

5. Agricultural and Forestry/Animal Scientist Analyst, Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production, and Irrigation—SEAPI, 1384 Getulio Vargas Avenue, Porto Alegre 90820-150, RS, Brazil


Behavior analysis is a widely used non-invasive tool in the practical production routine, as the animal acts as a biosensor capable of reflecting its degree of adaptation and discomfort to some environmental challenge. Conventional statistics use occurrence data for behavioral evaluation and well-being estimation, disregarding the temporal sequence of events. The Generalized Sequential Pattern (GSP) algorithm is a data mining method that identifies recurrent sequences that exceed a user-specified support threshold, the potential of which has not yet been investigated for broiler chickens in enriched environments. Enrichment aims to increase environmental complexity with promising effects on animal welfare, stimulating priority behaviors and potentially reducing the deleterious effects of heat stress. The objective here was to validate the application of the GSP algorithm to identify temporal correlations between heat stress and the behavior of broiler chickens in enriched environments through a proof of concept. Video image collection was carried out automatically for 48 continuous hours, analyzing a continuous period of seven hours, from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, during two consecutive days of tests for chickens housed in enriched and non-enriched environments under comfort and stress temperatures. Chickens at the comfort temperature showed high motivation to perform the behaviors of preening (P), foraging (F), lying down (Ld), eating (E), and walking (W); the sequences <{Ld,P}>; <{Ld,F}>; <{P,F,P}>; <{Ld,P,F}>; and <{E,W,F}> were the only ones observed in both treatments. All other sequential patterns (comfort and stress) were distinct, suggesting that environmental enrichment alters the behavioral pattern of broiler chickens. Heat stress drastically reduced the sequential patterns found at the 20% threshold level in the tested environments. The behavior of lying laterally “Ll” is a strong indicator of heat stress in broilers and was only frequent in the non-enriched environment, which may suggest that environmental enrichment provides the animal with better opportunities to adapt to stress-inducing challenges, such as heat.


National Council for Scientific and Technological Development—CNPq









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