White LED Lighting Increases the Root Productivity of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer in a Hydroponic Cultivation System of a Plant Factory


Kim Se-Hee1ORCID,Park Jae-Hoon1ORCID,Kim Eui-Joo1,Lee Jung-Min1,Park Ji-Won1,Kim Yoon-Seo1,Kim Gyu-Ri1,Lee Ju-Seon1,Lee Eung-Pill2,You Young-Han1


1. Department of Biological Science, Kongju National University, Gongju 32588, Republic of Korea

2. National Ecosystem Survey Team, National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon 33657, Republic of Korea


To identify effective light spectra for increasing the productivity of Panax ginseng, we conducted experiments in a controlled environment using a hydroponic cultivation system in a plant factory. We investigated the effect of single LEDs (red, blue, and yellow) and mixed LEDs (red + blue and red + blue + white). The relationships between four light spectra (red, blue, yellow, and white) and physiological responses (net photosynthetic rate, stomata conductance, transpiration rate, and intercellular CO2 partial pressure), as well as growth responses (shoot and root biomass), were analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis. Among the four physiological response variables, shoot biomass was not increased by any pathway, and root biomass was increased only by the intercellular CO2 partial pressure. Red and yellow light increased shoot biomass, whereas white light promoted an increase in the net photosynthetic rate and enhanced root biomass. In contrast, blue light was less effective than the other light spectra in increasing both shoot and root biomass. Therefore, red and yellow light are the most effective light spectra for increasing shoot biomass and white light is effective for increasing root biomass in a plant factory that uses artificial LED lighting. Furthermore, the intercellular CO2 partial pressure is an important physiological variable for increasing the root biomass of P. ginseng.


Korea Ministry of Environment




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology








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