Dietary Habits and Tusk Usage of Shovel-Tusked Gomphotheres from Florida: Evidence from Stereoscopic Wear of Molars and Upper and Lower Tusks


Semprebon Gina M.ORCID,Pirlo JeanetteORCID,Dudek Julia


The paleodiet of the shovel-tusked gomphotheres from Florida (Amebelodon floridanus, Konobelodon britti, and Serbelodon barbourensis) was assessed via microwear analysis of molar dental enamel and compared to a large database of both extant proboscideans and ungulates. Scratch and pit results show a consistent browsing signal in A. floridanus, K. britti and S. barbourensis. Fossil results are more similar to those of the extant Loxodonta cyclotis than to Loxodonta africana or Elephas maximus, the latter two taxa exhibiting a mixed feeding result. Scratch width scores are high in all three shovel tuskers as well as in the extant proboscideans indicating the ingestion of some coarse vegetation, most likely bark, and twigs. Gouging is relatively low in A. floridanus and S. barbourensis. Only K. britti has levels of gouging approximating that seen in extant elephants. Large pitting is relatively low in both fossil and extant forms although L. cyclotis has higher levels of large pitting including more puncture-like pits seen with fruit and/or seed consumption. A variety of scratch patterns indicating variation in tusk usage behavior was found. Some Serbelodon and Konobelodon mandibular tusks exhibited digging behavior, although Konobelodon digging behavior was much more common and obvious, whereas Amebelodon mandibular tusks did not exhibit digging behavior and were more likely used for stripping and scraping. Unusual distal tusk wear was found in Amebelodon and Serbelodon most likely due to stripping off tree bark. Upper tusk usage varied with all three fossil species exhibiting scraping and/or cutting behavior. Results indicate that shovel-tusked gomphotheres from Florida occupied a narrow dietary niche but employed a variety of strategies to obtain the vegetation that they consumed.




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

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