A Learnheuristic Algorithm Based on Thompson Sampling for the Heterogeneous and Dynamic Team Orienteering Problem


Uguina Antonio R.1ORCID,Gomez Juan F.1ORCID,Panadero Javier2ORCID,Martínez-Gavara Anna3ORCID,Juan Angel A.1ORCID


1. Research Center on Production Management and Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, 03801 Alcoy, Spain

2. Department of Computer Architecture & Operating Systems, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain

3. Statistics and Operational Research Department, Universitat de València, Doctor Moliner, 50, Burjassot, 46100 València, Spain


The team orienteering problem (TOP) is a well-studied optimization challenge in the field of Operations Research, where multiple vehicles aim to maximize the total collected rewards within a given time limit by visiting a subset of nodes in a network. With the goal of including dynamic and uncertain conditions inherent in real-world transportation scenarios, we introduce a novel dynamic variant of the TOP that considers real-time changes in environmental conditions affecting reward acquisition at each node. Specifically, we model the dynamic nature of environmental factors—such as traffic congestion, weather conditions, and battery level of each vehicle—to reflect their impact on the probability of obtaining the reward when visiting each type of node in a heterogeneous network. To address this problem, a learnheuristic optimization framework is proposed. It combines a metaheuristic algorithm with Thompson sampling to make informed decisions in dynamic environments. Furthermore, we conduct empirical experiments to assess the impact of varying reward probabilities on resource allocation and route planning within the context of this dynamic TOP, where nodes might offer a different reward behavior depending upon the environmental conditions. Our numerical results indicate that the proposed learnheuristic algorithm outperforms static approaches, achieving up to 25% better performance in highly dynamic scenarios. Our findings highlight the effectiveness of our approach in adapting to dynamic conditions and optimizing decision-making processes in transportation systems.










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